Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Exploring Standard Based Lesson Plans

I will be teaching grades 9-12, primarily Biology and the variations off of it: environmental science, zoology, etc. In this lesson, students will be given formative assessments in the form of worksheets,
 which will cover the information discussed in class lectures. The Ohio Standards for Science describes what the goal of students understanding of knowledge is, as depicted in the image on the right.

On of the standards I will be teaching to states that students will "learn the difference between producers and consumers and study how these organisms function within their communities as participants in various food chains." They will expand on this idea and be able to link multiple food webs/chains together to see how an entire ecosystem works together. This lesson involves a worksheet in which students apply the knowledge and concepts learned towards answering "real world" questions.

I would implement this lesson into the classroom when we began discussing the interactions between abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem. It is important for students to grasp how organisms are directly and indirectly related, and how they rely upon one another. A key part where I think students could get puzzled would be the concept of energy loss in the food through heat. Therefore I think they will be challenged by attempting to identify the true amount of energy in each organisms in the various stages of the web.

Resources (pg 288)

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